Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

While the Elko Convention & Visitor’s Authority (ECVA) uses reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of all materials contained within this website, we recognize the possibility of human and/or mechanical error. The user assumes all risk by using this data. The ECVA expressly denies any warranty of the accuracy or reliability of information published on the site. ECVA denies all responsibility for any loss caused by reliance upon the data contained herein. Users are encouraged to contact individual businesses to verify prices, amenities, features, dates and any and all other details before making travel plans, traveling or paying out any funds or deposits.

Adventures and activities featured in this website may carry significant risk of personal injury or death. The ECVA does not recommend anyone participate in these activities unless they are fully aware of the risks and are willing to personally assume all responsibility associated with all known and unknown risks.


The Terms and Conditions set forth herein, those contained in the Privacy Policy and additional terms contained within the particular elements of constitute the entire and exclusive agreement between you and the ECVA. This is not a contract, and the ECVA cannot and does not provide any legal advice.

Governing Law

These terms shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, and should any legal disputes connected with the content arise, resolution will be made pursuant to the Laws of the State of Nevada.